My favourite publications and H-index
In May 2024 my H-index was: 24. For an update click here: H-index.
Current favourite publications:
- Kiriscioglu, E. & A. van Heelsum (2024) Stuck in a Whirlpool? The Role of Hope and Despair in Dealing with Risks During Afghan Migration Journeys, Journal of Refugee Studies,
Full Publication list:
- Kiriscioglu, E. & A. van Heelsum (2024) Stuck in a Whirlpool? The Role of Hope and Despair in Dealing with Risks During Afghan Migration Journeys, Journal of Refugee Studies,
- Doomernik, J. & A. van Heelsum (2024) The Poor Integration Results of the Common European Asylum System compared to the Temporary Protection Directive: the Case of the Netherlands. Journal of International Migration and Integration (JIMI), DOI : 10.1007/s12134-024-01155-8
- Poberezhna A., O. Burlyuk & A. van Heelsum (2024). Superhero Army, Courageous People and Enchanted Land: Wartime Political Myths and Ontological Security in the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Czech Journal of International Relations,
- Garcés-Mascareñas, B., & A. van Heelsum (2023). The State of “Good Migration Governance”. Fieldwork main findings of the AdMiGov project. ADMIGOV.
- Heelsum, A. van (Accepted/but not In press because war broke out) ‘Ethiopia as a transit country?’, in: Proceedings ICES20 : 20th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies in Mek’ele, Ethiopia.
- Heelsum, A. van (2020) ‘Book Review of “The Big Gamble. The Migration of Eritreans to Europe” by Milena Belloni University of California Press (2019)’, International Migration 58 (3) 267-268, DOI:10.1111/imig.12725
- Kassaye, A., & A. van Heelsum (2020) ‘Muslim Organisations’ Response to Stigmatisation in the Media: Protest, Adaption or Decoupling’, Journal of Muslims in Europe, 9 (1), 96-118, DOI: 10.1163/22117954-BJA10001.
- Vermeulen, F., E. Harteveld, A. van Heelsum, A., & A. van der Veen (2020) ‘The Potential of Immigrant Parties: insights from the Dutch case’, Acta Politica, 55 (3), 432–453, DOI: 10.1057/s41269-018-0123-z.
- Fletcher, C., A. van Heelsum & C. Roggeband (2018) ‘Water Privatisation, Hegemony and Civil Society: What motivates individuals to protest about water privatisation?’, Journal of Civil Society 14 (3), 241-256, DOI: 10.1080/17448689.2018.1496308.
- Heelsum, A. van & F. Vermeulen (2018) ‘Cities’ Policies: the work of European cities to counter Muslim radicalisation’, Journal of International Migration and Integration (JIMI) , 19(1), 161–179, DOI: 10.1007/s12134-017-0533-1.
- Kranendonk, M., F. Vermeulen & A. van Heelsum (2018). ‘Unpacking the Identity-to-Politics Link: The Effects of Social Identification on Voting among Muslim Immigrants in Western Europe’, Political Psychology, 39(1), 43-67, DOI: 10.1111/pops.12397.
- Heelsum, A. van (2017) ‘Aspirations and Frustrations: experiences of recent refugees in the Netherlands’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2017.1343486.
- Heelsum, A. van (2016). ‘Why migration will continue: aspirations and capabilities of Syrians and Ethiopians with different educational backgrounds’, Ethnic and Racial Studies Review 39 (9) 3001-3009, DOI:10.1080/01419870.2016.1159711.
- Kassaye, A., I. Ashur & A. van Heelsum (2016) ‘The relationship between media discourses and experiences of belonging: Dutch Somali perspectives’. Ethnicities 16 (5)773-797, DOI: 10.1177/1468796816653627.
- Heelsum, A. van & M. Koomen (2016). ‘Ascription and identity. Differences between first- and second-generation Moroccans in the way ascription influences religious, national and ethnic group identification’. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42 (2) 277-291, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2015.1102044.
- Heelsum, A. van, L. Michon & J. Tillie (2016) ‘Local Political participation of immigrants in the Netherlands: A Look at Amsterdam and Rotterdam’, in: Antoine Bilodeau (ed), Just Ordinary Citizens? Toward a Comparative Portrait of the Political Immigrant, Toronto/ Buffalo/ London: University of Toronto Press, pp. 29-45.
- Heelsum, A. van (2014) ‘Moroccan associations in the Netherlands: how organisation leaders deal with the stigmatisation of the Moroccan community’, in: I. Handzlik & L. Sorokowski (eds.) Found in Multiculturalism. Acceptance or Challenge? Bern/New York: Peter Lang Publishers, pp. 91-106.
- Koomen, M. & A. van Heelsum (2013) ‘The impact of public debates on Muslim representative in Western Europe: the agenda-setting function of mass media’, in: M. Kortmann & K. Rosenow-Williams (eds.), Islamic organisations in Europe and the USA, a multidisciplinary Perspective, Besingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 79-94.
- Tillie, J., M. Koomen, A. van Heelsum, A. Damstra (2013) EURISLAM Finding a Place for Islam in Europe. Cultural Interactions between Muslim Immigrants and Receiving Societies. Final integrated report, Brussels: EURISLAM (download).
- EURISLAM SPECIAL ISSUE (2013) Public discourses about Muslims and Islam in Europe, Ethnicities, 13 (2), 131-249.
- Koomen, M., J. Tillie, A. van Heelsum & S. van Stiphout (2013) ‘Discursive framing and the reproduction of integration in the public sphere: a comparative analysis of France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Germany’, Ethnicities, 13 (2), 191-208, DOI: 10.1177/1468796812470898.
- Heelsum, A. van & B. Garcés-Mascareñas (eds) (2013). Migration and Integration Research; Filling in Penninx’s Heuristic Model, (IMISCOE). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press (Open Access).
- Heelsum, A. van (2013) ‘The ‘ethno-cultural position’ reconsidered, an investigation into the usefulness of the concept when it comes to Moroccans’, in: A. van Heelsum & B. Garcés-Mascareñas (eds.), Migration and Integration Research; Filling in Penninx’s Heuristic Model (IMISCOE). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, p. 91-104 (Open Access).
- Heelsum, A. van & B. Garcés-Mascareñas (2013), ‘Introduction’, in: A. van Heelsum & B. Garcés-Mascareñas (eds.) Migration and Integration Research; Filling in Penninx’s Heuristic Model (IMISCOE series), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, p. 7-10 (Open Access).
- Heelsum, A. van (2013) ‘The influence of the ethnic background of the interviewer in a survey among Surinamese in the Netherlands’, in: Joan Font & Mónica Méndez (eds.), Surveying immigrants/ethnic minorities: methodological challenges and research strategies, IMISCOE series, Amsterdam: AUP, p. 111-130 (Open Access).
- Vermeulen, F. & A. van Heelsum (2012) ‘Group-related or host state-related? Understanding the historical development of Surinamese organisations in Amsterdam, 1965-2000’, in: U. Bosma (Ed.) (2012), Post-colonial immigrants and identity formations in the Netherlands (pp. 77-97) IMISCOE series, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, (Open Access).
- Heelsum, A. van (2011) ‘Amsterdam’s policy reaction in a context of turmoil with Moroccan youngsters and Muslim radicalization’, in: N. Verloo (ed.), De Tasjesdief, lessen uit een tragedie (Serie: Buurten, Spanningen en Conflicten, Casus editie, nummer 1), Amsterdam: Amsterdam Centrum voor Conflict Studies, p. 39-41.
- Heelsum, A. van & M. Koomen (2011) EURISLAM Work package 6 Integrated report on Interviews with Muslim leaders, Brussels: EURISLAM (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2011) Somaliërs in Nederland, profiel 2011, Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijkrelaties.
- Heelsum, A. van & S. van Stiphout (2010) ‘The Netherlands’ in: Eurislam Research Group, EURISLAM Work package 2 Integrated report on Media Content, Brussels: EURISLAM (14-42) (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2010) Cities Local Integration Policies: Ethnic Entrepeneurship in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Dublin: Eurofound.
- Heelsum, A. van (2010) Cities Local Integration Policies: Ethnic Entrepreneurship in Athens, Greece, Dublin: Eurofound.
- Heelsum, A. van (2010) Cities Local Integration Policies: Ethnic Entrepreneurship in Terrassa, Spain, Dublin: Eurofound.
- Heelsum, A. van (2010) Cities Local Integration Policies: Ethnic Entrepeneurship in Breda, the Netherlands, Dublin: Eurofound.
- Lücken-Klaßen, D., F. Heckmann and the CLIP research team (2010) Intercultural Policies in European cities, Dublin: Eurofound (199 pages) (download).
- Groenendijk, K., A. van Heelsum, L. Michon & J. Tillie (2010). ‘Participación política en los Países Bajos’, chapter 2 in: D. Moya Malapeira & A. Viñas Ferrer (eds.), Sufragio y participación política de los extranjeros extracomunitarios en Europa, Barcelona: Fundacio Carles Pi i Sunyer, pp 109-152.
- Heijden, T. & A. van Heelsum (2010) Opkomst en stemgedrag van migranten tijdens gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 3 maart 2010, Amsterdam: IMES-report series (download).
- Vermeulen, F. & A. van Heelsum (2009) ‘Immigrant organisations in Amsterdam’, in: L. Nell & J. Rath (eds), Ethnic Amsterdam, Immigrants and Urban Change in the Twentieth Century, Amsterdam: AUP, 145-158, Google Books.
- Collyer, M, M. Cherti, T. Lacroix & A. van Heelsum (eds.) (2009).Special Issue 10: ‘Migration and Development: The Moroccan Experience’ Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 35 (10), 1555 – 1697.
- Collyer, M, M. Cherti, T. Lacroix & A. van Heelsum (2009) ‘Migration and Development: The Euro-Moroccan Experience’ (Introduction to Special Isssue 10), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 35 (10), 1555 – 1570, DOI: 10.1080/13691830903165790.
- Heelsum, A. van (2009) The Case Study on Intercultural and Interreligious Policies in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Cities Local Integration Policies, Dublin: Eurofound (59 p).
- Heelsum, A. van (2009) he Case Study on Intercultural and Interreligious Policies in Breda, the Netherlands, Cities Local Integration Policies, Dublin: Eurofound (52 p).
- Heelsum, A. van (2009) The Case Study on Intercultural and Interreligious Policies in Terrassa, Spain, Cities Local Integration Policies, Dublin: Eurofound (51 p).
- Heelsum, A. van (2009) The Case Study on Intercultural and Interreligious Policies in Hospitalet, Spain, Cities Local Integration Policies, Dublin: Eurofound (48 p).
- Heelsum, A. van (2009) ‘Inleiding’, in: Stichting Avanço, Quickscan, Kaapverdiaanse zelforganisaties in Rotterdam en omstreken.
- Heelsum, A. van (2009) Sociaal Kapitaal van vrouwen in de Baarsjes, eindsverslag na 4e ronde, Amsterdam: IMES (intern rapport voor Stadsdeel De Baarsjes).
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) Sociaal Kapitaal van vrouwen in de Baarsjes, onderzoeksverslag 3e ronde, Amsterdam: IMES, intern rapport voor Stadsdeel De Baarsjes.
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) ‘Political Participation and Associations of Immigrants in the Netherlands, webpublication in country profile the Netherlands’, Netzwerk Migration in Europa.
- Spencer, S., together with the CLIP research team (2008) Equality and diversity in Jobs and Services: city policies for migrants in Europe, Dublin: Eurofound, (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) ‘Lokaal integratiebeleid in Europa’, Synthese (6) 3, 9-10.
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) The Case Study on Diversity in Malmö, Sweden, Cities Local Integration Policies, Dublin: Eurofound (32 p) (download)
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) The Case Study on Diversity in Amsterdam, the Netherlands , Cities Local Integration Policies, Dubling: Eurofound (38 p).
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) The Case Study on Diversity in Breda, The Netherlands, Cities Local Integration Policies, Dublin: Eurofound (30 p).
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) The Case Study on Diversity in Terrassa, Spain, Cities Local Integration Policies, Dublin: Eurofound (30 p).
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) The Case Study on Diversity in Mataro, Spain, Cities Local Integration Policies, Eurofound (25 p).
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) ‘De rol van migrantenorganisaties in het integratiedebat’, in: M. Wijnenga & F. Haissoun (Eds.), De veranderende rol van migranten vrijwilligersorganisaties, verslag provinciale bijeenkomst 16 februari 2008 . Eindhoven: Palet, p. 7-12.
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) ‘Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in the Netherlands and the Reactions of Moroccan Association’, in: Samy S. Swayd (ed.) Islam: Portability and Exportability, UCLA International Institute Paperseries, paper 6, G E von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies University of California, Los Angeles, p. 67-70.
This is an open access publication in the E-scholarship library of the University of California or from download the full edited booklet from the E-library of the University of Halle.
- Amersfoort, H. & A. van Heelsum (2007) ‘Moroccan Berber immigrants in the Netherlands , their associations and transnational ties: a quest for identity and recognition’, 25(3) 234-262, DOI: 10.1080/02619280802407343.
- Heelsum, A. van (2007) ‘Moroccan Berber youngsters in the Netherlands and their associations’, Africa e Mediterraneo, 62 (4/2007) 69-71.
- Heelsum, A. van (2007) Sociaal Kapitaal van vrouwen in de Baarsjes, onderzoeksverslag 2e ronde, Amsterdam: IMES, intern rapport voor Stadsdeel De Baarsjes.
- Bosswick, W., D. Lüken-Klaßen & F. Heckmann, together with the CLIP research team (2007) Housing and integration of migrants in Europe, Dublin: Eurofound (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2007) The Case Study on Housing in Terrassa, Spain, Cities Local Integration Policies, Eurofound (37 p).
- Heelsum, A. van (2007) The Case Study on Housing in Breda, The Netherlands, Cities Local Integration Policies, Eurofound (31 p).
- Heelsum, A. van (2007) The Case Study on Housing in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Cities Local Integration Policies, Eurofound (45 p).
- Heelsum, A. van (2007) ‘African associations in the Netherlands, differences in number, type, interconnectedness and transnational ties’, paper presented on the‘IMISCOE Conference’ at the University of Sussex in Brighton, 7-8 september 2007.
- Heelsum, A. van (2006) Sociaal Kapitaal van vrouwen in de Baarsjes, eerste ronde, Amsterdam: IMES, intern rapport voor Stadsdeel De Baarsjes.
- Den Exter, J., A. van Heelsum & Th. Hessels (2006) Organisaties van minderheden, in: J.E. Overdijk-Francis, J.S.M. Boot, H.M.A.G. Smeets, & J.A.C. Verheyden, Handboek Minderheden, Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum/’s-Gravenhage: SDU, 7/1050, 1-42.
- Heelsum, A. van & J. Tillie (2006) Opkomst en partijvoorkeur van migranten bij de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 7 maart 2006, Amsterdam: IMES report (download).
- Heelsum, A. van & T. Hessels (2006). Afrikanen uit Angola, DR Congo, Ethiopië, Eritrea, Nigeria en Sudanin Nederland, een profiel, Den Haag: Ministerie van Justitie (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2005) ‘Afrikanen in Nederland’, Bevolkingstrends, 53, 3, 83-90.
- Heelsum, A. van (2005) ‘Book review of D. Griffiths ‘Somali and Kurdish refugees in London’, Journal of Migration and Ethnic Studies, 31 (2), 423-424.
- Heelsum, A. van (2005) ‘Book review of L. Hagendoorn, J. Veeman & W. Vollebergh, Integrating Immigrants in the Netherlands: Cultural versus Socio-Economic Integration’, Ethnic and Racial Studies (ERS), 28 (3), 589-590.
- Heelsum, A. van (2005) ‘Political participation and civic community of ethnic minorities in four cities in the Netherlands’, Politics, 25 (1) 19-30, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9256.2005.00225.x
- Heelsum, A. van (2004) Migrantenorganisaties in Nederland Deel 1 Aantal en soort organisaties en ontwikkelingen, Utrecht: FORUM.
- Heelsum, A. van (2004) Migrantenorganisaties in Nederland Deel 2 Het functioneren van de organisaties, Utrecht: FORUM.
- Heelsum A. van, M. Fennema & J. Tillie (2004) Islamitische organisaties in Nederland, SCP werkdocument 106, deel V in de serie Moslim in Nederland, Den Haag: SCP.
- Den Exter, J., A. van Heelsum & T. Hessels (2004) Organisaties van minderheden, in: J.E. Overdijk-Francis, A. Boot, H. Smeets, & J.A.C. Verheyden, Handboek Minderheden, Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 7/1050, 1-39.
- Heelsum A. van & R. Penninx (2004) Bondgenoot of Spelbreker? Organisaties van immigranten en hun mogelijke rol in integratieprocessen, Utrecht: FORUM
- Heelsum, A. van (2003) ‘Moroccan Berbers in Europe, the US and Africa and the Concept of Diaspora’, Open access publication in the E-scholarship library of the University of California Digital Library , June 2003.
- Heelsum, A. van (2003) Reacties van zelforganisaties op stigmatisering, in: S. Harchaoui & C. Huinder (eds), Stigma: Marokkaan! Over het afstoten en uitsluiten van een ingebeelde bevolkinsgroep, Utrecht: Forum.
- Heelsum, A. van & E. Voorthuysen (2002) Surinaamse organisaties in Nederland, een netwerkanalyse, Amsterdam: Aksant Uitgeverij (Google Books).
- Kraal, K. & A. van Heelsum (2002) Dynamisch Mozaïek. Nieuwe trends bij Marokkaanse organisaties, Utrecht: SMT.
- Heelsum, A. van (2002) Marokkaanse organisaties in Amsterdam in 2001, een netwerkanalyse, Amsterdam: Aksant uitgeverij (Google Books).
- Saloojee, A. & A. van Heelsum (2002) Special Issue on Immigrant Diversity and Political Participation, Journal of International Migration and Integration 3 (2).
- Saloojee, A. & A. van Heelsum (2002) ‘Introduction’, Journal of International Migration and Integration 3 (2) 151–155 DOI: 10.1007/s12134-002-1008-5.
- Heelsum, A. van (2002) ‘The relationship between political participation and civic community of migrants in the Netherlands’, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 3 (2) 179-199, DOI: 10.1007/s12134-002-1010-y.
- Bouadi, O., S. Bouteba, A. van Heelsum, P. de Mas & D. Oosterbaan (red) (2001) De vele gezichten van Marokkaans Nederland, Een wie is wie?, Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Jan Mets.
- Berger, M., M. Fennema, A. van Heelsum, J. Tillie & R. Wolff (2001) ‘L’integration politique des minorités ethniques aux Pays Bas’, Migrations Société, (77) 109-130.
- Fennema, M, J. Tillie J., A. van Heelsum, M. Berger & R. Wolff (2001) ‘De politieke integratie van etnische minderheden in Nederland’, Migrantenstudies, 3, 142-157.
- Heelsum, A. van (2001) Marokkaanse Organisaties in Nederland een netwerkanalyse, Het Spinhuis, Amsterdam.
- Berger, M., A. van Heelsum, M. Fennema, J. Tillie & R. Wolff (2001) Politieke participatie van etnische minderheden in vier steden, Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, Den Haag (download).
- Fennema, R., J. Tillie, A. van Heelsum, M. Berger and R. Wolff (2001) Sociaal kapitaal en politieke participatie van etnische minderheden in vier steden, Essay voor het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, Amsterdam: Spinhuis Uitgeverij (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2001) Turkse Organisaties in Amsterdam in 2000, een netwerkanalyse, Amsterdam: Spinhuis Uitgeverij, (Google Books).
- Heelsum, A. van en J. Tillie (2000) Stemgedrag van migranten in de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 1998, in: Tillie, J. m.m.v. Meindert Fennema en Anja van Heelsum, De etnische Stem, opkomst en stemgedrag van migranten tijdens de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen 1986-1998, Utrecht: FORUM.
- Tillie, J. m.m.v. Meindert Fennema en Anja van Heelsum (2000) De etnische Stem, opkomst en stemgedrag van migranten tijdens de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen 1986-1998, Utrecht: FORUM.
- Heelsum A. van & R. Penninx (1999) Evaluating integration and participation policies for immigrants and minorities in an Amsterdam district: Oost. UNESCO MOST report Amsterdam, Liege: MPMC, chapter 4, pp 38-44.
- Wolff, R., R. Penninx en A. van Heelsum (1999) Erkend, aangesproken, aanspreekbaar? Evaluatie van het migranten beleid van Stadsdeel Oost en de participatie van organisaties van migranten 1996-1998, Amsterdam: Stadsdeel Oost, Amsterdam (download).
- Wal, G. van der & M. Tax (1999) De vele gezichten van Turks Nederland, een wie is wie. Amsterdam: Mets Uitgeverij.
- Heelsum, A. van en J. Tillie (1999) Turkse organisaties in Nederland, een netwerkanalyse, Het Spinhuis, Amsterdam.
- Lindo, F., A.J. van Heelsum & R. Penninx (1998) ‘Op eigen kracht vooruit’. Vrijwilligerswerk en burgerschap van immigranten, Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkelingen, Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers.
- Berger, M., A. Feenstra, A. van Heelsum, M. Fennema en J. Tillie (1998) Surinaamse en Antilliaanse/ Arubaanse organisaties in Amsterdam, een netwerkanalyse, Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
- Berger, M., A. van Heelsum, M. Fennema en J. Tillie (1998) Ghanese organisaties in Amsterdam, een netwerkanalyse, Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
- Heelsum, A.J. van (1997) De etnisch culturele positie van tweede generatie Surinamers, Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis (dissertation).
- Heelsum, A.J. van (1993) ‘De invloed van de etnische afkomst van interviewers in een interview rond etniciteit’, Migrantenstudies, 9 (2), 16-34.
- Gastel, J. van , N. Bleichrodt & A.J. van Heelsum (1993) Het gelijk van de praktijk, loopbaanpatronen van allochtonen en autochtonen, Amsterdam: Van der Bunt.
- Heelsum, A. van & J. Roosblad (1993) ‘Book review of ‘Achter de Coulissen’ door Gerrit Pas (red.)’, in: Groen Links 4(10), 7.
- Heelsum, A.J. van (1993) ‘De etnische binding van tweede generatie Surinamers’, in: R. Penninx (red.), De etnisch culturele en maatschappelijk positie van immigranten en hun nakomelingen, report to the Ministry of WVC, Amsterdam: IMES, p.39-52.
- Heelsum, A.J. van (1991) ‘Boekreview van ‘Lasi Boto, de boot gemist, over Surinaamse jongeren, werk en werkloosheid’ door Livio Sansone’, Migrantenstudies, 1, p. 46-48.
- Biegel, C., E.G. Gebreyesus & A.J. van Heelsum (1998) Elderly Refugees in the Netherlands, in: Proceedings of International Aging in Exile Conference.
Conference Papers, Public Lectures and Webinars
- Doomernik, J. & A. van Heelsum (2023) The poor integration results of the Common European Asylum System compared to the Temporary Protection Directive: the case of the Netherlands. Paper presented at the annual IMISCOE conference in Warsaw, July 2023
2021, 2022
- Co-organisor of webinar Seasonal migrant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. in the series “Zooming in on Migration and Asylum”, on 26 January 2021, and published on YouTube.
- Co-organiser of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) series “Advancing Alternative Migration governance“.
- MOOC presentation “Introducting the Advancing Alternative Migration Govenance (Admigov) Project” by Anja van Heelsum. Published on the UvA Kaltura Video Platform February 2021.
- Co-organisor of the Webinar Series “Zooming in on Migration and Asylum”.
- Co-organisor and chair Webinar ‘Access to Europe: Governing the Entry of third-country nationals in the European Union‘, in the Series “Zooming in on Migration and Asylum”.
- Heelsum, A. van (2019) Migration decisions in the transit situation: what determines the onward move? Paper presented at 26th International Conference of European Studies, Madrid, Spain.
- Heelsum, A. van (2020) Advancing Alternative Migration Governance, workshop at the 16th Anual IMISCOE conference 26-28 June 2020, in Malmo, Sweden.
- Heelsum, A. van (2018) Transit Migration of refugees explained: Safety, Livelihood and Aspirations. Paper for the Conference of Ethiopan Studies, Mek’ele 1-5 October 2018.
- Heelsum, A. van (2018)The Aspirations Approach and its use in situations of Transit. Paper presented at 14th IMISCOE Conference in Barcelona, Spain, 2-4 July 2018.
- Heelsum, A. van (2018) Transit Migration of refugees explained: Safety, Livelihood and Aspirations. Paper presented at Paper presented at the ATINER Conference, Athens, Greece, 18-19 June 2018.
- Heelsum, A. van (2017) ‘Aspirations and frustrations: experiences of recent refugees in the Netherlands’ Paper for the Conference of European Studies, 12-14 Juli 2017 Glasgow.
- Harteveld, E., A. van Heelsum, A. van der Veen & F. Vermeulen (2017) ‘Explaining voters preferences for migrant parties in the Dutch elections of 2017’, Paper presented by A. van Heelsum on the Conference of European Studies, 12-14 Juli 2017 in Glasgow.
- Harteveld, E., A. van Heelsum, A. van der Veen & F. Vermeulen (2017) ‘Explaining voters preferences for migrant parties in the Dutch elections of 2017’, Paper for the International Metropolis Conference 19-21 September 2017 in Den Haag.
- Heelsum, A. van (2016) ‘Why migration will continue: aspirations and capabilities of Syrians and Ethiopians with different educational backgrounds’, Paper for the IMISCOE Conference in Geneva, 30 June-2 Juli 2017.
- Heelsum, A. van (2015) “Long lasting refugee camps: a sustainable solution? Supporting agency of refugees and the role of UN institutions, NGO’s and the state.” Discussion paper presented at the MSF-UvA even “People on the Move”, 18 November 2015, University of Amsterdam (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2015) ‘The organisations of Muslims in Europe: diversity and adjustment’, Paper for the Metropolis Conference 26-27 June 2015 in Geneva.
- Heelsum, A. van & A. Kassaye (2015) ‘Muslim immigrants in six European countries and the debate in the media: how Muslim leaders cope with prejudice’. Paper presented by A. van Heelsum for the 22nd International Conference of Europeanists 8-10 July 2015 in Paris.
- Heelsum, A. van & M. Koomen (2015) ‘Ascription and identity. Differences between first- and second-generation Moroccans in the way ascription influences religious, national and ethnic group identification’. Paper presented by A. van Heelsum at the Symposium Religie en Samenleving, 5 June 2015, Utrecht.
- Heelsum, A. van (2015) ‘ The organisations of Muslims in Europe: diversity and adjustment’, Paper for Dag van de Sociologie, 27 May 2015 in Amsterdam.
- Heelsum, A. van (2015) ‘ Muslim immigrants in six European countries and the debate in the media: how Muslim leaders cope with prejudice’, Paper for the ACMES Conference, 28 January 2015 in Amsterdam.
- Heelsum, A. van (2014) ‘Muslim immigrants in six European countries and the debate in the media’, Paper for the 2014 International Metropolis Conference, 3-7 November 2014 in Milano, Italy (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2014) ‘The organisations of Muslims in Europe: diversity and adjustment’, Paper for bookworkshop 15A on migrant associations by Sonia Perez at the IMISCOE conference 27-29 August 2014 Madrid, Spain.
- Heelsum, A. van (2013), ‘Ethnic identity of Turks and Moroccans in Western Europe: position acquisition and position allocation’, Paper for the 10th IMISCOE conference 26-27 August 2013 in Malmo, Sweden (download).
- Heelsum, A. van & M. Koomen (2012) EURISLAM: Interviews with Muslim leaders, Presentation at the EURISLAM Conference 20-21 June 2012 in Brussels (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2011) ‘Why Somali’s move, an investigation into migratory processes among Somalis’, Paper presented on the 4th European Conference on African Studies, 15-18 July 2011 in Upsala, Sweden (panel 98) (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2011) ‘Local policies of European cities on de-radicalisation’, Paper presented at the IMISCOE conference 7-10 Sept in Warsaw, Poland (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2010) ‘Maatschappelijke participatie van migranten en faciliterend lokaal beleid’, Lezing op het congres ‘Samen KansRijk’, 27 Nov 2010, te Harderwijk. (download)
- Heelsum, A. van (2010) ‘Migrantenorganisaties en de lokale overheid’, lezing bijeenkomst zelforganisaties bij de gemeente Delft op 18 maart 2010. (download)
- Heelsum, A. van (2009) ‘Building Citizenship, a project to enhance social capital among immigrant women in Amsterdam’, paper prepared for the International Metropolisconference in Copenhagen Denmark, 14-18 September 2009 (workshop WS13: Diversity after 9/11: constructing gendered Muslim identities as ‘others’) (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2009) ‘Building Citizenship, a project to enhance social capital in Amsterdam’, paper presented on March 30, 2009 at the ISHSS, Amsterdam (download).
- Vermeulen F. & A. van Heelsum (2008) ‘Group- or host state-related? Understanding the historical development of Suriname organisations in Amsterdam, 1965-2000’, paper presented on the workshop Postcolonial Immigration and Identity Formation in Europe since 1945: Towards a comparative Perspective, 7-8 November 2008, IISG, Amsterdam.
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) ‘Interviewer effects in survey interviews’, paper for the workshop Surveying immigrant populations in studies of social and political participation: Methodological and technical challenges, in Madrid, Spain, 16-17 October 2008. (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) ‘Cities Local integration policies: a comparison of Amsterdam and Terrasssa’, paper presented on the Metropolis conference in Bonn, Germany, 28-31 October 2008
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) ‘Cities Local integration policies: a comparison of Amsterdam and Terrassa’, paper presented on the IMISCOE conference in Bilbao, Spain, 9-11 September.
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) ‘Cities Local integration policies: CLIP 2006-2008’, presentation in the IMES Seminar, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 6 May 2008.
- Heelsum, A. van (2008) ‘De veranderende rol van migrantenorganisaties in de samenleving’, Lezing op de Provinciale bijeenkomst zelforganisaties, PALET, Tilburg, the Netherlands, 16 Feb 2008.
- Heelsum, A. van (2007) ‘African associations in the Netherlands, numbers, type, interconnectedness and transnational ties’, paper for the IMISCOE Conference in Sussex, United Kingdom, 6-8 September 2007.
- Heelsum, A. van (2007) ‘African associations in the Netherlands, numbers, type, interconnectedness and transnational ties’, Paper presented at the AEGIS European Conference on African Studies, Leiden, the Netherlands, 11-4 July 2007.
(download) - Michon, L., J. Tillie & A. van Heelsum (2007) ‘Political participation of migrants in the Netherlands since 1986’, paper presented by A. van Heelsum on the Barcelona International Seminar on Political Rights, Barcelona, Spain, 19-20 July 2007
- Heelsum, A. van (2007) ‘De voor en nadelen van de buurtgerichte aanpak voor migranten’, lezing voor het Turks Kennisnetwerk Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 30 November 2007.
- Heelsum, A. van (2006) ‘Bondgenoot of spelbreker?’ lezing jubileum PBR, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 27 October. 2006
- Heelsum, A. van (2006) ‘Anti immigrant sentiments in the Netherlands and the reactions of Moroccan associations’, paper presented at UCLA Diaspora Program, University of California in Los Angeles, US, 1 May 2006, dowload the synopsis or download the full paper here.
- Heelsum, A. van (2006) ‘Moroccan youngsters: Berber identity and transnational ties’, paper presented at the International Conference on Middle East and North African Immigrants and Their Descendants, Transnationalism and the Reconstruction of Identities in Europe, Oxford, United Kingdom, 5-7 May 2006.
- Heelsum, A. van (2006) ‘Turn out and party choice in the local 2006 elections in the Netherlands’, paper presented at the Metropolis Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, 2-6 October 2006 (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2006) ‘Political participation of immigrants in the local elections in the Netherlands’, presented at the seminar ‘ Immigració i eleccions municipals’ in Sabadel, Spain, 6-7 July 2006.
- Heelsum, A. van (2005) ‘Bondgenoot of spelbreker?’, lezing Stichting Mondiale Samenleving, Driebergen, the Netherlands, 23 April 2005
- Heelsum, A. van (2005) ‘Politieke participatie van allochtonen’, lezing op de bijeenkomst ‘De kip of het Ei? Politieke participatie van allochtonen in lokale en provinciale politiek’ op het Provinciaal debat georganiseerd door het Overleg Allochtonen en Autochtonen Eindhoven (OVAA), Palet en de gemeente Eindhoven, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 27 April 2005 (download).
- Amersfoort, H. van & A. van Heelsum (2005) ‘Moroccan Berber Immigrants in Western Europe, Canada and the USA. The quest for identity and recognition’ paper presented at the IMISCOE workshop ‘New Moroccan Migrations’ in Brighton, United Kingdom, 13-15 July 2005.
- Amersfoort, H. & A. van Heelsum (2005) ‘Moroccan Berber Immigrants in Western Europe, Canada and the USA. The quest for identity and recognition’ paper presented by A. van Heelsum at the Conference ‘Tradition and modernity’ Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 30-31 May 2005.
- Heelsum, A. van (2004) ‘Bondgenoot of Bindmiddel?’, lezing op het debat ‘De rol van Zelforganisaties’, LUX, Nijmegen, 5 October 2004.
- Heelsum, A. van & J. Tillie (2004) ‘Zelforganisaties als civic communities’, lezing door A. van Heelsum op de bijeenkomst van migrantenorganisaties in Stadsdeel Bos en Lommer, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 18 april 2004
- Heelsum, A. van (2004) ‘Bondgenoot of spelbreker?’, lezing op de conferentie ‘De Toekomst van Zelforganisaties’ van FORUM, Utrecht, 21 October 2004 (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2004) Moroccan associations and Transnationalism, presented at the 1st annual IMISCOE conference in Coimbra, Portugal, 4-5 December 2004.
- Heelsum, A. van (2003) ‘Moroccan Berbers in Europe, the US and Africa and the concept of Diaspora’, paper presented at the seminar ‘Muslim Diasporas’ at the University of California at Los Angeles, 11 April 2003.
- Heelsum, A. van (2003) ‘Development of Organisations of Ethnic Minorities in the Netherlands’, presented at the Migration Seminar in Brighton, United Kingdom, 12 February 2003.
- Heelsum, A. van (2003) ‘Migrantenorganisaties in Nederland’, lezing op bijeenkomst voor archivarissen van het Amsterdams Historisch Museum, 20 Februari 2003.
- Heelsum, A. van (2002) ‘Explaining trends, developments and activities of Moroccan organisations in the Netherlands’, Paper for the Sociaal Wetenschappelijke Studiedagen, Free University Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 30-31 May 2002 (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2002) ‘Political Participation of Migrants in the Netherlands’ presented at the Workshop ‘New Patterns and Impacts of European Migration’ in Brighton, United Kingdom, 15 February 2001.
- Heelsum, A. van (2002) ‘Het Dynamisch Mozaïek, Trends en ontwikkelingen bij Marokkaanse organisaties’, lezing voor Samenwerkingsverband Marokkanen en Tunesiers, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 27 Juni 2002.
- Heelsum, A. van (2001) ‘Political Participation of Migrants in the Netherlands’ paper presented at the International Metropolis Conference in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 26-30 November 2001, (download).
- Heelsum, A. van & J. Tillie (2001) ‘Zelforganisaties als civic communities’, lezing door A. van Heelsum op de bijeenkomst van Migrantenorganisaties Stadsdeel Oost/Watergraafsmeer, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 18 april 2001
- Heelsum, A. van (2001) ‘Politieke participatie van allochtonen’, lezing voor Project Maatschappelijke Bewustwording door Politieke Participatie van Allochtonen (PPA)in Enschede, the Netherlands, 11 april 2001.
- Heelsum, A. van (2000) ‘Political Participation of Migrants in the Netherlands’ paper presented at the International Metropolis Conference in Vancouver Canada, 13-20 November 2000 (download).
- Heelsum, A. van (2000) ‘Political Participation of Migrants in the Netherlands’ paper presented at Workshop Political Participation, International University Institute Florence, Italy, 28-31 April 2000.
- Heelsum, A. van & J. Tillie (2000) ‘Zelforganisaties als civic communities’, lezing door A. van Heelsum voor de Marokkaanse Stichting Bades, Roosendaal, the Netherlands, 24 november 2000.
- Heelsum, A. van (1999) ‘De etnisch-culturele positie van tweede generatie Surinamers’, lecture at the VU Amsterdam, 4 juni 1999.
- Biegel, C., E. Gebreyesus & A. van Heelsum (1998) ‘Elderly Refugees in the Netherlands’, paper for the international Conference ‘Aging in Exile’, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, May 1998 (download).